In the sanctum of the dark…

On December 21, we will enter the Solstice portal, a deep space of time magic. For those of us in the Northern Hemisphere, this marks the darkest time of the year. A time of gathering within. Of celebrating all that we’ve sewn throughout the year. It is also a time of waiting. Of trusting. Of planting intentions for the upcoming year.
This will be a powerful solstice and is followed by a new moon on December 23, when the moon paints the starry sky with a sparkling inky midnight brilliance. It is a time of pulling back and trusting that whatever we are seeding, will take time. Even for those in the Southern Hemisphere, harvesting is an energy of trusting in Divine Timing.
In this space of waiting, we are humbled as we prepare the fertile soil for our intentions. Sigils ‘an inscribed or painted symbol considered to have magical power’ have been used by our ancestors for thousands of years to honor that which they longed to create. These sigils were often drawn on nature beings or allies as the earth’s vibrations carry a deep healing and magical elixir.
As you step into this powerful time, I invite you to create an inner sanctum, a peaceful sacred space. Then, anchor yourself into the earth and feel your roots merge with Gaia. Entangled. Strong. Potent. Next, draw her grounding energy up through your body and allow images or symbols to emerge. Breathe. Trust what you receive. Allow them to land deep in your core, in your womb or hara. And wrap them with all your senses.
When you feel complete, draw what you received, your sigil, onto your nature being or ally, and place it onto your altar or sacred space. Light a candle and spend time here. To deepen into this experience, you may want to encode the sigil with a mudra, mantra or song. Perhaps even a dance. Symbolizing your devotion to the unfolding of your deepest intentions and dreams for 2023. Or to simply rest in the stillness of the Solstice.
For those who’d like some support, I’m offering 30 minute sessions, and currently have 3 openings. During these sessions, we’ll create a sacred space, and we’ll bring your intentions and visions to light. Any fears that may be present are also welcome. Feel free to contact me at [email protected] for more information, or to schedule your session.
Also, for those interested, I’ve recently launched a book with 15 other powerful women called Turning Point: Empowering Stories to Activate the Divine Feminine Within (Volume 1). This experience has been truly transformational, and for those who feel The Call, I strongly encourage it. (My publisher just opened enrollment for Volume 2!) Through this journey, I’ve experienced a huge soul integration while being witnessed by a beautiful circle of women. For those who’ve had this kind of support, you know what I mean. It is profoundly healing.
I’ve attached a link to my book page below. I’d love to hear your thoughts about the book, and would greatly appreciate it if you would write a review on Amazon. I’m so grateful to all of you for your support; to my publisher, Astara, Flower of Life Press; and to all who have purchased the book. THANK YOU!