Shame is an ally. A potent primal creature, who purrs when sung songs to and dances when lovingly petted. She’s a most mystical magical herb in our secret garden of treasures. And our womb expands in her presence. For she senses the power and complexity of the heroine’s journey of our life.
Of All Life

Wow! What an incredible 2024 this has been. At least for me. And it has only just begun. How has it been for you? Have you been feeling more celestial or ancestral support? More magic? More aware of your destiny? Your mission? More rooted into the rich dark soil of Gaia? This most beautiful, enchanting, abundant earth we live on.
We are all in a great precipice. Which so many of us feel. A deeply enchanting threshold filled with endless fertility and possibilities. It is truly like learning to midwife ourselves back to life. At least those facets of ourselves we have banished. Exiled. Forgotten.
Though they patiently wait. Sometimes silently. Sometimes voraciously. Nevertheless alive. And longing for us to remember. That gold within us. That pulsing, gestating magnificence. Just waiting to bloom our true power back into ourselves and into the world.
The Feminine Way
This past year, I’ve been guided to attend various teachings. Deep, profound, intense initiations. Six months in Venus Mystery School followed by Feminine Magic School, and most recently an Eco-Somatics and Embodiment Intensive.
I cannot express in words all that is being stirred, dissolved, alchemized and re-birthed. I sometimes feel like a huge heap of decaying compost. Though, at the same time, a deep and ancient remembrance. Primal. Primordial. Truth-tingling. And very, very rich.
It’s been so beautiful to feel a softening in my nervous system and allowing some of these primal pulses to be felt again. Through Deep Time way beyond linear time. Like the natural rhythms and cycles of Life. Of the Cosmos.
Sometimes intense. Though always deeply sacred when I surrender.
Can you feel it too?
On that note, I wanted to share with you that despite my resistance, these initiations have catapulted me into a deep listening. A listening I can no longer ignore.
It’s been 3-1/2 years since I’ve offered on-line circles. Although 2 years ago, when I first felt the call, I crafted a beautiful draft, which has been lovingly and patiently gestating during this time. As many of you know (especially my clients), my message has always been “Let’s deeply welcome and love ALL of ourselves” and “The more forbidden the facets, the more potent the medicine or jewel”.
With that, I’d love to introduce my newest birth. A ceremonial writing gathering called ‘Womb Weavers WRiting Circle’. This will be a series of 6 circles (1 on-line circle per month) beginning in May and ending in October. And is entitled
Awaken Your Secret Garden
This is a circle for women who would love to learn the art of ceremonial writing… weaving magic with our words. And for those who would love to welcome and bloom their exiled plants back into their garden within.
During these 90 minute monthly gatherings, I will guide us through a few writing prompts, focusing on the sensual, to help deepen and re~awaken our magic.
We will explore (1) childhood memory during each circle, which when fertilized, will deepen and expand as we allow our intuition (or imaginal realm) to guide the process and trust what unfolds.
We will be crafting our own personal myths, VERY short, though deeply potent, with each month containing 1 chapter. Each chapter will be 3-5 paragraphs at most (or 1 handwritten page)! And may include images, symbols, colors, etc.
Ceremonial myth writing is much more about depth, than length. And I will guide you into how to create and embody depth during our circles. I will provide the themes in next month’s newsletter, along with more information about the circles.
NO WRITING EXPERIENCE REQUIRED. Just a love of deep mystical sensual pleasure for yourself. The earth. And our collective.
Weaving Words . . . The Feminine Way
And did I mention? For those who are unable to attend our circles Live, all classes will be recorded and emailed to everyone who participated so you can add them as keepsakes into your magical treasury. Lastly, I am looking for just 10 magical women for this circle who are ready to re-weave the feminine and magic into our words. And into our world! Remember, the more forbidden your exiled parts, the more secret power they hold! Please email me your questions or interest in this sacred circle at [email protected]. |
In closing, as you step into this potent mystical new moon in Pisces wrapped in the powerful energies of the Equinox, [and for those who celebrate Good Friday and Easter] . . .
May you feel woven into the tapestry of this fertile season. May you feel the sacredness of death and re-birth through your primordial mothers of Deep Time.
And may you feel pure awe at the beauty, elegance, and complexity of your entire heroine’s journey.
For those who would like to feel an extra dose of nature, here are links to my magical elixirs, both in the form of Gaia Wear, and of Essences and Collections.
And my newest elixir product, A Touch of Elegance, Holy Lavender Hand Elixir, is still brewing and just about ready to birth.
Celebrating our new [ancient] self!

Fierce Naked Innocence
P.S. I donate 14% of ALL proceeds from the sales of all my offerings, courses, and journeys, and split them evenly between two charities. Both stand for freedom. Freedom of expression. And freedom from oppression. One supports human rights; the other, animal rights.
My passion and life’s mission has been to take a stand for freedom of all. Both humans and animals. Knowing on a deep level, animals are also sentient beings.
Here is a link to my website Dancing in deLight where you can learn more about the charities, my mission, and my services.
Thank you so much!
(Header image credit: Bluericochet) (Second image credit: Caroline Sattler) |
Sensory Portals/Gateways
As I share mine, I invite you to contemplate your own… in this moment.
I taste sweet honey.
I smell the rich dark soil.
I hear the humming of the frig.
I see the moss on the windowsill.
I touch my sacrum tenderly.