Fall sweetly to the ground.
On the way down…
Feel the air kiss your skin.
Hear Mother Earth prepare for you.
Smell the fragrance of your next birth.
Have you forgotten the fertile soil that awaits you there?
Your soul remembers.
The treasures hidden in the darkness.
Savor each moment of the fall.
We’ll meet you there.

This month of September. Of the new moon in Virgo. Of the Fall Equinox. Of Labor Day. And for me, the month of my birth… my mother was in labor on Labor Day. I feel as if I have come full circle. Honouring what I love. Honouring my journey. Honouring my mission. Last September was the beginning of my newsletter’s ‘Celebrate the Fall’ series. I’ve always loved ‘the Fall’. Yes. The season. Though also ‘the falling’. There’s something about the process of falling… falling to the ground. That feels so sacred. And which I’ve been sharing about in my newsletters. Watching the beauty of nature beings. Shedding naturally. Surrendering with exquisite wonder. With trust and adoration. As if they contained a mysterious intelligence that can feel. With all their senses. The glorious treasure that awaits them when their body merges with the earth’s rich fertile soil. All the while longing for us to mirror them. Forever helping us to remember our magic. Our ancient wisdom. Our primordial awe. |
Such deep devotion and reverence… Nature has for us.
As we prepare for this upcoming powerful seasonal shift, I’m excited to share with you that I have birthed something new. For now, I will share that I’ve crafted elixirs, some of which I’ve harvested from the earth. To help us feel the sacredness of our fall. Those times when we feel lost and alone. Vulnerable and ungrounded. To feel this space as… Sanctified. Holy. Protective. Strong. Rooted. Fertile.
An intimate treasure box filled with potent jewels. To anoint our cracks. To anoint that which has been kept hidden. Silenced. That which longs to be…
How might that feel for you?
The launch date for these magical elixirs will be on the Fall Equinox, September 23rd. So keep an eye out for their addition to my website’s product page.
I’m looking forward to sharing more about these beloved nature beings! And their sacred role in our lives.
Until then… may you always remember that your cracks are sacred. Your scars, holy. There is nothing to fix or heal. And that hidden beneath the fall…
Are your most delicious treasures.
(This is a photo of me on Easter 2019 at Jordon Creek immersed in a Despacho Ceremony for Gaia. Followed by a baptism for myself and my sister. I highly recommend this for yourself and for the earth!)

Sweet Naked Innocence
P.S. Also, in case you missed my last few newsletters:
I wanted to share with you that I am now offering my chapter (as co-author from my book) as an eBook titled “Celebrate the Fall: My Mythic Journey Home“.
You pay whatever you want. And ALL proceeds will be split evenly between two charities. Both stand for freedom. Freedom of expression and freedom from oppression. One supports human rights; the other, animal rights.
ADDITIONALLY, 14% of ALL proceeds from the sales of all my offerings, courses, and journeys will be split evenly between these same two charities.
My passion and life’s mission has been to take a stand for freedom of all. Both animals and humans. Knowing on a deep level, animals are also sentient beings. Some of us have forgotten this.
Here is a link to my website’s home page Dancing in deLight where you can purchase my eBook and learn more about the charities, my mission, and my services.
Thank you so much!
(Header image credit: Silke)
Sensory Portals/Gateways
As I share mine, I invite you to contemplate your own… in this moment.
I taste the spices in the chai tea.
I smell the sweet fragrance of the peach.
I hear the trolley participants singing “YMCA”.
I see the glistening winged cat statue.
I touch the cool breeze with my fingertips.