There is magic in the air. A tangible sweetness.
A delightful taste that can be sipped with our senses.
Words can’t capture its essence.
Though our breath can savor its presence.
I’m finding myself longing to leave my legacy. Here. On earth. Something that will fully honor my ancestors. My lineages. That palpable feeling in my body. Where I connect with them. Where their holy threads interweave with mine. And I know they are here with me. Through every celebration. Through every heartache. Longing to connect their threads of wisdom to mine. A rooted beautiful place. To plant my flag. For their honor. And something meaningful to leave our descendants. I recently took a 7-week course with Tanya Taylor Rubinstein called Somatic Writing to Connect With Your Body, Ancestors, & Land. (I highly recommend Tanya’s powerful work!) And I felt a deep deep revivifying of my lineages. They came to me. One by one. My great great grandmother Rosie, my tribal grandfather, my ancient primordial grandmother, my team of witches and psychopomps, my magical child self, my great ancestor self. And even Miwa, my cat. They came in so strongly. So lovingly. So openly. Through my writing. By simply deepening into my body and calling them forth with a humble heart filled with awe and wonder. With a deep rootedness in the souls of my feet that felt their vibrancy, their strong desire to assist, their essence that lives on in the land. In nature. In every cell of my body. Everywhere. Tears flowing down my face. As I recognized their presence. Opened me like never before. And touched my soul so sweetly. I’m so grateful for my relationship with the invisible realms. With the dead. I’ve always had a deep relationship with them. Though have tried to suppress their messages for many years. In order to be accepted into certain groups. No more. I’ve crossed a threshold… even more so these last months. And I am devoted to the healing of my lineages. The revivifying of our magical gifts. Of our unwavering commitment to Gaia. To all of nature. |
To bring back the natural rhythms and cycles of the earth.
Re-attuning her to the cosmos.
The majestic beauty that she is.
And I am willing to “die on a hill” to protect her. To protect the innocence of myself. The innocence of others… both human and other-than-human. And the innocence of Life. Itself. In deep honor of my adolescent self who would not tolerate those in authority who persecuted and humiliated those who were different. Those who did not follow the rules of the over-culture.
This is my mission. Always has been. And I will never ever stop. No matter what.
As you step into this month’s new moon in Leo, what legacy would you like to leave? For the land? For the beloved earth? On behalf of your ancestors? Your descendants? Your self? This is the time to gather. To remember. To anchor. As Gaia and humanity lie in a most potent threshold. Of deep deep change.
Your gifts are so needed. Here. Now. In this moment.
What are you willing to devote yourself to?
No matter what.
For your honor.

Sweet Naked Innocence
P.S. In case you missed my last few newsletters: I’m excited to share with you that I am now offering my chapter (as co-author from my book) as an eBook titled “Celebrate the Fall: My Mythic Journey Home“. You pay whatever you want. And ALL proceeds will be split evenly between two charities. Both stand for freedom. Freedom of expression and freedom from oppression. One supports human rights; the other, animal rights. ADDITIONALLY, 14% of ALL proceeds from the sales of all my offerings, courses, and journeys will be split evenly between these same two charities. My passion and life’s mission has been to take a stand for freedom of all. Both animals and humans. Knowing on a deep level, animals are also sentient beings. Some of us have forgotten this. Here is a link to my website’s home page Dancing in deLight where you can purchase my eBook and learn more about the charities, my mission, and my services. Thank you so much! (Header image credit: Petra) (Second image credit: San Wai Han) |
Sensory Portals/Gateways
As I share mine, I invite you to contemplate your own… in this moment.
I taste sparkling key lime water.
I smell the cool humid air.
I hear visitors of my quaint home village. Laughing.
I see my Bastet statue.
I touch my ‘you are fearless’ card.