A beautiful energy is weaving into the earth… in this very moment. With the loving support of the Taurus new moon.
Sensual. Luscious. Beauty.
Filled with a savoring adoration of the senses.
It’s as if our pores become like tiny tongues that can sip in the playful creative harmony that envelops us.
Many of us are still integrating the powerful energies of the eclipse. Along with a recent Scorpio full moon. Guiding us into some ‘deep digging’.
And now to feel this Taurus energy, dancing alongside, into some ‘deep dreaming’. Can feel so delicious. Like a harmonious peaceful introspection of self. A restful inner sanctum of ‘dreaming like yourself’.
What does that look like to you? Feel like? When you give yourself permission to ‘dream like you’. Where does your ‘intuitive self’ guide you? When you let go of ALL other voices… and sit immersed in the uncensored YOU.
Into those secret hidden places.
Allowing the real deep down and dirty weird to emerge!
This is what the beautiful energy of Taurus creates for us. A space of safe cozy deeply curious and pleasurable self-trust. A devotional place of hearing your ‘truth’ and feeling a sacred cloak of love wrap around every single solitary imperfect forbidden bloom.
This brings to mind my upcoming ceremonial writing circle beginning May 19th. This circle is touching facets of myself that elicit a deep and ancient well of sacred tears. Both of grief and joy. Very sensual. Very magickal. Very potent. As I feel myself being prepared to receive the attunements. While opening to the initiations that accompany any movement into the mystery.
There are still a few spaces left for the circle.
With our first theme entitled:
“And I Just knew!” ~ My First Bloom
This circle is both ceremonial and somatic.
Reaching places within us that linear words can not.
I was touched by the way in which the name of this first series arrived “Awaken Your Secret Garden”. I had just finished one of Seren Bertrand’s Feminine Magic School Salons. Where she had encouraged us to explore with our ancestors, a sign that they are here with us and holding and supporting us. Guiding us to our next step.
One of the most profound ways my ancestors speak to me is through the Pandora music app. I had already felt the call to offer the circle a couple years ago, and had received the name “Womb Weavers WRiting Circle” with a draft of the content. Though I hadn’t yet received any further specifics.
And there on Pandora, one of my favorite female/male duos, ‘Secret Garden’, began to play. My eyes became soaked with tears… as much of my mission has been surrounding “the forbidden”, a path less trodden.
And not only did I receive the name of the first series, “Awaken Your Secret Garden”, but to feel my ancestors holding me, and sending me gentle reminders of their presence whenever Pandora plays this music (which is quite often!!), was deeply touching.
In what ways do your ancestors connect with you? Speak to you?
Some of you are aware that I petitioned the court this past Valentine’s Day to change my last name to my mother’s maiden name on behalf of Ukraine and my Ukrainian lineage. When I received my court date in the mail, I was so moved when I opened the envelope and saw that the date was Earth Day, April 22nd. It was one of those days that will be forever imprinted in my soul. A message from my ancestors that was potently clear.
Below is my tribute to them. And our love for Gaia.

In closing, I wanted to create a space here to thank all of you who have supported me and my small business over the years. Your support means a lot to me. As our creations are birthed within the intricacy of a cosmic womb.
Where we are all intimately interwoven.
I also wanted to thank those who have registered for Womb Weavers WRiting Circle ~ Awaken Your Secret Garden. You’ve each played a special role in my life. And I feel the potency of our time together.
The wisdom of our circle will be a guiding light for the themes of each month. As we drink from the ancient grail of Deep Time.
For those who are still interested in learning more about the circle or to register, here is a link Womb Weavers WRiting Circle. You will know if you feel your body’s ‘Yes’.
And for those who have been waiting, I also wanted to mention that my Lavender Hand Elixir is now available on my website! Here is a link A Touch of Elegance.
As you step into this potent sensual beautiful Taurus new moon, may you feel the deeply playful, curious, luscious energy of YOU. And may you create a trusting space of boundless pleasure as you immerse yourself in ALL facets of you… dreaming into being the truth of who you are.
And how deeply you are loved.
Celebrating our new [ancient] self!

Fierce Naked Innocence
P.S. I donate 14% of ALL proceeds from the sales of all my offerings, courses, and journeys, and split them evenly between two charities. Both stand for freedom. Freedom of expression. And freedom from oppression. One supports human rights; the other, animal rights.
My passion and life’s mission has been to take a stand for freedom of all. Both humans and animals. Knowing on a deep level, animals are also sentient beings.
Here is a link to my website Dancing in deLight where you can learn more about the charities, my mission, and my services.
Thank you so much!
(Header image credit: Daphne Be Frenchie)
(Second image credit: Barbara Roste)
Sensory Portals/Gateways
As I share mine, I invite you to contemplate your own… in this moment.
I taste ancient cacao.
I smell the still air.
I hear the village’s visitors giggling.
I see the lushness of the green forest.
I touch my human heart.