“Do not cringe and make yourself small if you are called the black sheep, the maverick, the lone wolf. Those with slow seeing say that a nonconformist is a blight on society. But it has been proven over the centuries, that being different means standing at the edge, that one is practically guaranteed to make an original contribution, a useful and stunning contribution to her culture.“
~ Clarissa Pinkola Estés, Ph.D.
From her book Women Who Run with the Wolves
Many of us are aware of the sacred circle of celestial beings who are dancing together during this eclipse season to shower us with an array of incredible beauty and possibility to shine. Today, we are pulsing in the powerful energies of the New Supermoon in Aries wrapped in a Total Solar Eclipse and the wonders of Chiron.
How much more beautiful can it get? A deep exhale emerges from my body as I feel into the magnitude of what is being offered to us. Personally. Collectively. Cosmically.
Can you feel this dance too?
~ Be sure to read on to learn more about how to register for my upcoming ceremonial writing circle during these magical times as we weave a new [ancient] earth together! ~
Our celestial allies are offering us such reverence and support of the ‘I Am’. Tears flow down my face as I receive the depth of their love. Their adoration and guidance reminds me of my human ancestors and their unwavering trust in the cosmos. In Gaia. In the sacred harmony of the dark and the light… In the deep wisdom of the seasons and the cycles.
And my heart is filled.
As the conscious sun dips into the other world, the unconscious, or hidden lunar world; these two celestial beings commune with each other… and from that communion, something new is created and birthed. An awakening within the cosmos. Within the collective. Within Gaia. Within our own individual body and soul.
Having Chiron, the wounded healer, as part of this dance deepens our journey as it touches into the importance of being gentle with ourselves as we explore our wounds. Not necessarily from trauma, but from the stories we’ve been told about ourselves… aspects of ourselves that our modern culture has identified as problematic or taboo because they don’t fit into the mainstream society; and therefore, deemed inconvenient or annoying.
But this is where our gold lies.
This Total Solar Eclipse in Aries is deeply beautiful and honest.
It is about Truth and intimacy which can sometimes create discomfort and fear. Though as we weave ourselves into these tender facets, we can sit with ourselves, with those black sheep aspects, and feel them as profoundly important and profoundly wise, not only to our own heroine’s journey, but as a contribution to our entire collective and earth.
And with Aries being the first sign of the zodiac, her fiery energy is the experience of coming out of the creative void and into the world. It’s that point of connection between an idea in our mind and how it gets expressed in the world. And that means it’s deeply woven into the tapestry of new beginnings, new sight, new vision. While being firmly planted in the dark fertile soil of Gaia.
It is SO powerful!! And needed in our present world.
This brings me to my own new creative birth which I shared about in my last month’s newsletter called
Womb Weavers WRiting Circle
Here is a link Womb Weavers Writing Circle for more information and to register.
I’m so excited about all that is coming through for this upcoming series entitled:
Awaken Your Secret Garden
6 on-line monthly circles from May through October
NO WRITING EXPERIENCE REQUIRED. Just a love of deep mystical sensual pleasure. For yourself. The earth. And our collective.
Weaving Words … The Feminine Way
Thank you to all who have expressed interest in this monthly ceremonial gathering for women! And who have supported me in this new birth.
It feels epic and so resonant with where we are headed on this most magical jewel-lit treasure of a planet.
Giving voice to the forbidden as an ancestral legacy of beauty, magic and harmony has been my sacred mission to blossom and has ignited my passion to birth this circle.
What legacy do you wish to weave?
In closing, I wish you all a most mystical magical eclipse season and beyond! (And for some, you will have the opportunity today to enjoy the spectacular view of this celestial splendor between 2:07 and 4:34 PM EST; her greatest magnitude at 3:23 PM EST.)
May you be tender and patient with yourself during these potent times as these are very BIG energies… like pure magic!
And may the beauty of your forbidden facets shine like glistening jewels in an ancient enchanted forest.
For those who would like an extra burst of magic during this season, here are links to my elixirs, both in the form of Gaia Wear, and of Essences and Collections.
And while my newest elixir product, A Touch of Elegance, Holy Lavender Hand Elixir, is still waiting to birth on my website, she is now available in a BEAUTIFUL shoppe in downtown Jim Thorpe, PA called Flower Moon Plants and Crafts, along with my Jeweled Nectar Apple Tree Essence.
Celebrating our new [ancient] self!

Fierce Naked Innocence
P.S. I donate 14% of ALL proceeds from the sales of all my offerings, courses, and journeys, and split them evenly between two charities. Both stand for freedom. Freedom of expression. And freedom from oppression. One supports human rights; the other, animal rights.
My passion and life’s mission has been to take a stand for freedom of all. Both humans and animals. Knowing on a deep level, animals are also sentient beings.
Here is a link to my website Dancing in deLight where you can learn more about the charities, my mission, and my services.
Thank you so much!
(Header image credit: Gerd Altmann)
(Second image credit: Leonardo)
Sensory Portals/Gateways
As I share mine, I invite you to contemplate your own… in this moment.
I taste strawberry lemonade on my tongue.
I smell sweet lavender on my hands.
I hear the enchanted wind blowing.
I see forsythia blooming on the mountainside.
I touch my belly with reverence.