“The Sweet Seed”
The little girl watched the blade of grass wrapped in dew.
And she felt the entire Cosmos dancing …
And her soul remembered.

This post is to remind you of my upcoming ceremonial writing gathering called Womb Weavers WRiting Circle with the first series of 6 monthly circles entitled “Awaken Your Secret Garden”. Here is a link for more details and to register Womb Weavers Writing Circle.
I also wanted to share more information about the circle, as it arises, for those who have already registered, or are about to (and asked for specific details), and for those who may still be sitting on the primordial fence.
What a wild adventure I’ve been taken on!
I FINALLY received the first month’s theme for our circle. For those of you who are familiar with the Gene Keys, my Purpose is Patience/Timelessness, and this was one of those times when I was guided into the space of Deep Time. Into a full body surrender. Not a comfortable place for most of us.
From what I gather, the themes are to be kept general, and somewhat of a mystery, so that our minds will not interfere with our inner journey. They will also unfold, one at a time, and will build upon our previous month’s gathering. So they will not be given to me until after each circle is complete.
This will deepen our experience and intuitive muscles as well as our trust in ourselves and those within our circle. As most of you know, so much beauty, magick, and communion emerges when circles gather together.
This is the theme for our May 19th gathering (the month of Beltainne, for those who celebrate):
“And I just knew!” ~ My First Bloom
For those who have already participated in my circles, you are aware of my style… which is ceremonial and somatic in nature. I will guide us on an inner journey before we enter into our first writing space. This will help draw out and potentize our childhood memory for this theme. We will write for 10 minutes, initially, followed by shorter intervals during our time together, and I will provide writing prompts beforehand.
PLEASE do not allow your mind to grab a hold of this process… which you may be doing in this very moment. You may even be tempted to write before our gathering, which I would ask you to resist.
There is no pressure here.
This is a sacred space of Remembering in deep intuitive and magickal layers.
These circles are times when you can gently allow your mind to rest; to pause; while we re-weave our bodies and nervous systems (and that of Gaia’s) into a new [ancient] Feminine template.
Trust that your soul essence will begin to prepare you in ways that are perfect for you and your ever unfolding heroine’s journey!
And remember:
NO WRITING EXPERIENCE REQUIRED. Just a love of deep mystical sensual pleasure for yourself. The earth. And our collective.
Weaving Words … The Feminine Way
Feel free to contact me at [email protected] for more information, or if you have any questions.
Lastly, I wanted to let you know that most all of my products, journeys, courses, and sessions are currently 22% off to celebrate Earth Day, Gaia’s Birthday on Monday, April 22nd!
In Deep Honour of Her.
Here is a link to my Shoppe page.
Celebrating our new [ancient] self!
P.S. I donate 14% of ALL proceeds from the sales of all my offerings, courses, and journeys, and split them evenly between two charities. Both stand for freedom. Freedom of expression. And freedom from oppression. One supports human rights; the other, animal rights.
My passion and life’s mission has been to take a stand for freedom of all. Both humans and animals. Knowing on a deep level, animals are also sentient beings.
Here is a link to my website Dancing in deLight where you can learn more about the charities, my mission, and my services.
Thank you so much!
(Header image credit: Natalie Tilda)