Challenging as this may feel, many of us working with energy are familiar with this sacred mantra. I personally find myself weaving in and out of these words, sometimes feeling shaken to the core, and other times, resting fully in my authentic truth – though most oftentimes dancing somewhere in between. I realize it has been quite some time since I last posted. I’ve been giving myself these last several months to surrender gracefully, and sometimes not so gracefully, into the Void. And within this Darkness, learning how courage really feels, learning what trust truly means, and most of all, learning to play with the sacredness of Paradox ~ one breath at a time, one moment at a time ~ lovingly embodying more of the hidden jewels of my Self and of Life.
I invite you to deepen into the SOMAtic language of your body ~ your sensations ~ by first connecting with Nature, and then trusting in the subtle energy shifts within your Self and within Gaia.
And then allow your body to take you on a most magical, playful and mystical adventure of de*Light!