As I began my journey inward I drew into my perception a different word to describe this dark space…and that word was “shadows”. Something about this word piqued my curiosity and softened my trepidation. Memories of my childhood began to permeate my imagination and along with them my deep love of shadows. And then it became more of a playful dance inward as I visualized a symphony of shadows and light. Over time I began to look forward to the next exciting twist and turn.
But then my mind slowly crept in…
Are you sure you want to traverse this inner journey? You never know what evil lurks behind those shadows. You’re NEVER going to be able to handle this. You’re NEVER going to get through this. Who do you think you are? No one cares what you think or say or feel. Everyone will laugh at you! Or better yet they’ll think you’re crazy! Everyone will leave you, and you’ll be completely and utterly alone…