As I sit immersed in the beauty of Fall. The trees release their glistening leaves to the land. Their form changing to a crisp crunch beneath my feet. Sparking the most delicious childhood memories. Of gathering leaves into an immense pile. And jumping into their delicate embrace. Immersed in the laughter of friends and family. My heart feels open and grateful. To receive such profound beauty, joy and magic. As nature continues to follow this invisible thread.
A silent whisper of cosmic magnificence.

Simultaneously, my heart feels broken open. As my ears perk to the sounds of nature beings both visible and invisible. Mercilessly being dropped into a dump truck. After being ripped away from their home. This sacred mountain. For those of you who have been following my newsletters from some time. You are aware of what I’m speaking to. Yes… the bulldozer is back. Again. After six months of respite.
Though this time my guidance feels quite different… as many of you may relate. With the many shifts and changes humanity is undergoing. We are being guided ever more inward and downward.
Spiraling deep into Gaia.
Deep into our body.
Deep into our ancient lineages.
And cosmic stories.
Remembrances of our true essence.
Our passions. Our mission.
How does your innate wisdom speak to you? As you listen to the messages that glide through your soul. Mine have always come through sensations. And e-motions. My body attuned to a rhythmic Gaian tantric dance.
These past few weeks as I felt the heat of my rage… feelings of helplessness began to overtake me. Tears streaming down my face. Then my breath began to spiral this potent energy through my body. As if to consecrate my organs, my bones, and blood with a warm balm. As I continued to surrender to this process, a deep and vibrant clarity landed in my psyche. In my body.
And I could hear the mountain speak.
Her ancient language so viscerally familiar.
Through doubt and uncertainty. I waited. And then I felt it. I knew my next step. My hands reached effortlessly for the phone. Calls to the borough. The county. To anyone who would listen. Who would guide me to how I might take action on behalf of the land. My self. My lineage. I felt the support of my ancestors. Many who come from a deep reverence for the natural world. Killed for standing their ground against the overculture. For speaking out. And even when misunderstood and exiled by their own tribe. Those they loved.
They did not keep silent.
Their strength and resilience anointing my soul.
For those of you on a similar path. With a similar mission. You are aware of a harmony that is returning to the earth. To the cosmos. Some call it a re-balancing of the feminine and masculine. A return to the natural rhythms and cycles of Life. After repeated violation by this present patriarchal paradigm. For eons of time.
And as I’ve shared in my last newsletter, I’ve been called to create elixirs to assist in this great shift. To help harmonize and savor our physical and e-motional energies. In a co-creative mystery play with the earth. Guiding us through 8 mini-rituals.
I’m now offering the elixir collection as a stand-alone product. (without the wooden box).
I’ve also given a fresh coat to my other 2 products. Here is the link to my Elixir Products page on my website.
As we continue to step into this potent seasonal shift. With her powerful new moon in Libra wrapped in a solar eclipse. {which is assisting and strengthening our harmonic dance!}:
What is your soul asking you to step into… that may not even be on your radar? Me as activist certainly was not! And would not have landed without making sacred ~ my rage, doubt and uncertainty.
Where are you being guided?
What are the obstacles that stand in your way?
How can the energy of your fears be an anchor for your voice?
Your truth?
This is a potent time for a new beginning. Where “Life as you know it — including how you present your identity to the world — may change dramatically.” (Quoted text by Christie Craft @ Mother Mag).
And through it all, I hope you dance your most mystical, most magical, most wild dance of harmony and delight!

Sweet Naked Innocence
P.S. I donate 14% of ALL proceeds from the sales of all my offerings, courses, and journeys, and split them evenly between two charities. Both stand for freedom. Freedom of expression. And freedom from oppression. One supports human rights; the other, animal rights.
My passion and life’s mission has been to take a stand for freedom of all. Both humans and animals. Knowing on a deep level, animals are also sentient beings.
Here is a link to my website’s home page Dancing in deLight where you can learn more about the charities, my mission, and my services.
Thank you so much!
(Header image credit: Monika)
(Second image credit: Christiane)
Sensory Portals/Gateways
As I share mine, I invite you to contemplate your own… in this moment.
I taste the sweetness of the apple.
I smell the fumes of the bulldozer.
I hear the church bells ringing.
I see a childhood photo of me and my siblings.
I touch the broken facets of my heart.