What if you could taste Life through your physical senses simply by meeting the moment, each moment, in a state of ecstatic wonder?
Life. That vibrant rich Unnameable Presence.
We live in a world of consumption. Where many of us have forgotten who we truly are. Where many of us lead lives of reaching, ascending, grasping, taking, giving, transcending. I’m sure you can feel it in your own life.
What if instead, we receive Life with all its heartache, messiness, bliss, confusion, peace, fear, joy, anger, longing? Right here on earth.
Just by ‘loving being alive’ in this magnificent awe on this most sacred planet. Allowing Life to simply enter the depth of our being.
What might that feel like?
Perhaps take a moment, this next moment, and simply breathe. Feel Life enter into your body, into your vessel. And receive. Fully. Unapologetically. Just resting in the moment.
My journey has been one of initiations into the direct experience of meeting each moment in a full embodied embrace. Of total and complete Love. Not an easy journey when we’re immersed in a consciousness that pulls us up and out rather than down and in. Many spiritual teachings and practices distract us from the one place where we can truly feel Home. In our body. In this most sacred vessel. Not by expanding or transcending, but simply by breathing in the nectar of every single solitary moment. As if each moment was a sacred kiss from the Divine. That we can taste through our physical senses.

Lately, I’ve been much more aware of the patriarchal programming that we follow. As if we fell into a deep sleep a long long time ago. And allowed these systems to control us. I’ve even witnessed people standing up for these systems. Defending them. People I know and love. Have you witnessed this as well? What is this like for you? How does your heart feel in that space? There are moments when my heart feels so broken. Yet simultaneously feels a fierce love. The kind of protective Deep Love a mama bear feels for her cub.
I’ve been on this spiritual path for a long time, though just recently, really feeling the heartache of our planet and the collective. The numbness. The submission. The repressed anger. The unexpressed rage. The deep sorrow. The inner angst to share the next spiritual body of work with the world. Have you checked in with your body? Do you have any of these e-motions hidden within you? Can you allow these cast out e-motions to feel like a sacred kiss from the Divine? How might you slow down and allow your body to lovingly guide you through them?
This is my most sacred work. To feel these forbidden e-motions as beautiful. To help others feel them as beautiful.
What if we could unweave the labels that we’ve learned to attach to these e-motions? And just feel them as rapture moving through our body?
I’m not speaking about acting them out through harmful behaviors toward our self or others. I’m speaking about completely and incomprehensibly meeting them.
As a sacred expression of the Divine. Goddess. Life. Feminine. Oversoul. Universe. Cosmos. Holy Spirit. Whatever name you give to this most exquisite Unnameable Presence… the One who whispers us closer. In every moment. Relentless with that voice of Deep Love.

During this February New Moon, the month we celebrate Hearts Day, also known as Valentine’s Day, perhaps wrap yourself in Deep Love and be with yourself in stillness, in silence, in truth, in total and complete piercing raw truth, and listen. Listen from deep within. To your secrets. Every one of them. As if they were holy. What facets of you, what e-motions (energy in motion) long for expression? Creative expression. Real. Vulnerable. Primal. Not just a part of you that you, or our present patriarchal paradigm, deem acceptable. But ALL of you.
Yes, ALL of you. From the depths of your body YOU.
Resurrecting our true power. The path of Deep Love.
More about this to come…
The breeze at dawn has secrets to tell you.
Don’t go back to sleep…
~ Rumi
Sensory Portals/Gateways
As I share mine, I invite you to contemplate your own… in this moment.
I taste teeccino coffee.
I smell my ancestors candle.
I hear the vacuum’s battery whirring.
I see a deer resting on the mountain side.
I touch my heart center.