Have you ever tracked the holy thread of impermanence? The richness of all that arises in this tender loving place? How the cycles of nature reflect this deeply mysterious process. With a requited graceful surrender.
It takes a great deal of humility to immerse ourselves in the sacredness of impermanence. For many of us, it elicits some form of resistance. The sanctity of this thread, which includes grief, has been significantly undervalued in our over-culture. With our hyper-focus on health and wellness. And in the fixing healing patriarchal paradigm we find ourselves living in.
I’ve always loved to drink in the moments. To find ways to stretch their delicacy. And as I track my own fears of impermanence, I see more and more the importance of deepening into the moment. And its connection to impermanence. There’s an exquisite appreciation and surrender that lies here. A settling into what really matters. A tasting of devotion to slow down and receive Life. Fully.
Haven’t we come to this sacred earth to experience everything? Including density? And to allow the natural process of impermanence in this carnal reality? Have we somehow forgotten?
There is something sacred here.
Can you feel it?
As I feel into the month of April and her new moon, which includes a rare hybrid solar eclipse, I’m reminded of the symbolism of death and resurrection. Rebirth. Some of us may celebrate the traditional holidays of Good Friday and Easter. While others may relate more to the visceral experience of the cyclical nature of death “descent” and rebirth.
I myself am reminded of my father’s death many moons ago. It speaks to my heart. To the beauty of impermanence. And I wanted to share this tender experience with you. Through a blog post I created a couple years back, on February 4, 2021, in my father’s honor. About death. And resurrection…

Sacred Tears of Remembrance
This image touches my heart as I reflect upon my father, who flew through the veils 30 years ago today. After healing many layers of childhood wounding, I feel a depth of my father’s love that I did not feel while he was in physical form. There are moments where my heart longs to see him, to touch him, to dance and laugh with him again… to sit in his sweet, compassionate, strong and protective presence… to listen to his beautiful stories of his life… such a man of incredible honor, resilience, devotion and courage.
I am beyond grateful for the last moments with you, father. You had already taken flight by the time we arrived at the hospital. And although it has been difficult for me to resolve not being present during your transition, I have come to understand your last, and most sacred gift. Your face and eyes shone the radiance of pure and indescribable Love… and the expansion of your essence filled the room with the Truth of your heart. Thank you father for the spark of the Divine re-membered in my soul… it has changed the course of my life in a most profound way.
I love you. Our heartfelt conversations… are different Now.
(Image Monday’s Bear from 2021 Amber Lotus Wall Calendar)
Perhaps this tribute to my father elicits memories of your own. Where you had the precious honor of bearing witness to something so exquisitely miraculous.
Grief brings a depth of Love to us that is indescribable.
An embodied Presence of beauty and Grace.
In this month’s new moon when we celebrate death and resurrection. Rebirth. Wrapped in the potency of a hybrid solar eclipse. May we all step into the wonder of impermanence. The deep appreciation of each and every moment. In its richness; in its depth. Surrendering to Life’s ultimate control. And trust. Trust in the sacred invisible thread of Mystery. Of this wild adventure we are so very privileged to partake in. Here on this most beloved planet.
(Main image credit to Jurgen)
Sensory Portals/Gateways
As I share mine, I invite you to contemplate your own… in this moment.
I taste warm kielbasa.
I smell cherry tomatoes.
I hear the church bells ringing.
I see the tree’s blossoms.
I touch my lips with my tongue.